Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog, pull up a chair and a drink and enjoy. Just wanted you to know what kind of things will be showing on here and tell you a little about me. 

I will be talking about my crafting projects, baking and cooking and even just my life and my weight loss journey. I love making all kinds of things including yarn related, fabric related and all kinds of things. 

Now about me.....I am a stay at home mom of 4 who is married to my best friend. I couldn't imagine doing any of this without his love and support. So I have four kids who are 3,6,8, and 13 as of right now. I will warn you know that there may be times that I talk a lot about my 3 yr old and how things with him are going. He has been thru a lot.

Starting September 1 2014 I am hoping to spend some time each week just blogging about my weight loss journey so here is a little back story summary.

Before my kids I weighed 145. After 4 kids I am bouncing between 200-215. I started using back on December 27 2011 and weighed 213. I was doing great until I quit smoking in October 2012 when I got down to 174 and then I just started gaining and have been just bouncing around in the 200's for a while now.  My weigh in's are on Friday's but I will weigh in Monday to be ready for September's fresh start.


  1. Hey, nice blog! I can totally relate to the weight loss journey. lol

    1. Thanks Pam. I am planning to start walking and see how long it takes to follow Frodo's journey to Mordor and back and then also Bilbo's journey. We like Lord of the Rings movies.
