Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Grocery Store Comparison. Adli vs Food lion

Is it better to drive the 20 minutes across town in the traffic and deal with a bunch of people? Let's see if it is by comparing Adli vs Food Lion's prices on store brand items that compare in size.

So as I family of six I have to look at where I can get the most for my buck. So here is what I did today. I went to the new Aldi store that opened here and bought some things I needed. Well since they don't carry everything I need I also had to make a stop at Food Lion on the way home. So I priced the same sized items and did store brand vs store brand on everything except the bugels and little sausages since those you can't get store brand anywhere else.

Here is a picture of everything I got today at Aldi. My total today after the $5 coupon from their grand opening with taxes came to $31.15

So lets see how they compare.... Prices below are for single items with exception to the ground turkey. I have to buy 2 of those at Aldi to equal the weight of 1 at Foon Lion so price for it at Aldi is for 2. Also the totals below are without taxes

So by looking at that we can see that by getting these items at Aldi over Food Lion the amount difference was $12.25 in savings. I think that makes it totally worth the drive accross town and dealing with the people for that kind of savings and this was just some things we needed.