So there is the front of the bag. Sorry for the crumpled great value chips the kids had already started eating them prior to me deciding to write this. Ok so here is a picture of the backs so we can see the nutritional information and then we will start comparing them.
Ok so now that you can see everything for yourself so you can see where my information is coming from.
Ok so based on that chart you get more veggie straws per serving, less calories, less total fat, less saturated fat, and less protein than a standard chip. However you are getting more sodium and 1 more gram of carbs than standard chips.
So I 'm not sure which would be worse healthwise. Maybe if you are trying to watch your sodium intake then the Great Value would be a better choice. For me I prefer the veggie straws. While it says they have more sodium they don't taste as salty to me or as greasy.
So one last test lets lay one of each chip on a napkin and see how much grease transfers from chip/straw to napkin after 5 minutes.
So after seeing the nutritional info I would still choose to eat veggie straws over regular chips. Which do you prefer? Does this info change your thoughts on which you would choose?