Thursday, July 6, 2017

Veggie Straws Vs Great Value Regular wavy chips

Ok so hubby and I had a recent conversation about an article he saw that says veggie straws are just as bad if not worse than regualr chips. He doesn't remember where he saw the article but didn't see any reference to any actual amounts. He looked at me and said "looks like something you can look into for a blog post or a vlog." So lets take a look and see what we can find that might be the same and what might be different between the two. For this comparison we will be looking at Veggie Straws with sea salt with sweet potato added (we got ours from Samsclub) and a bag of Great value original potato chips (the red bag).

So there is the front of the bag. Sorry for the crumpled great value chips the kids had already started eating them prior to me deciding to write this. Ok so here is a picture of the backs so we can see the nutritional information and then we will start comparing them.

Ok so now that you can see everything for yourself so you can see where my information is coming from.

Ok so based on that chart you get more veggie straws per serving, less calories, less total fat, less saturated fat, and less protein than a standard chip. However you are getting more sodium and 1 more gram of carbs than standard chips.

So I 'm not sure which would be worse healthwise. Maybe if you are trying to watch your sodium intake then the Great Value would be a better choice. For me I prefer the veggie straws. While it says they have more sodium they don't taste as salty to me or as greasy.

So one last test lets lay one of each chip on a napkin and see how much grease transfers from chip/straw to napkin after 5 minutes.

Ok so after 5 minutes we can see there is slightly more grease on the right from the standard chip but not much of a difference. Sorry my daughter decided she was going to help and that Poppy needed to help out too.

So after seeing the nutritional info I would still choose to eat veggie straws over regular chips. Which do you prefer? Does this info change your thoughts on which you would choose?

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Grocery Store Comparison. Adli vs Food lion

Is it better to drive the 20 minutes across town in the traffic and deal with a bunch of people? Let's see if it is by comparing Adli vs Food Lion's prices on store brand items that compare in size.

So as I family of six I have to look at where I can get the most for my buck. So here is what I did today. I went to the new Aldi store that opened here and bought some things I needed. Well since they don't carry everything I need I also had to make a stop at Food Lion on the way home. So I priced the same sized items and did store brand vs store brand on everything except the bugels and little sausages since those you can't get store brand anywhere else.

Here is a picture of everything I got today at Aldi. My total today after the $5 coupon from their grand opening with taxes came to $31.15

So lets see how they compare.... Prices below are for single items with exception to the ground turkey. I have to buy 2 of those at Aldi to equal the weight of 1 at Foon Lion so price for it at Aldi is for 2. Also the totals below are without taxes

So by looking at that we can see that by getting these items at Aldi over Food Lion the amount difference was $12.25 in savings. I think that makes it totally worth the drive accross town and dealing with the people for that kind of savings and this was just some things we needed.